Author Archives: dd
The Franchise “Space Programme”
(Published in on 6 December 2013) Franchising isn’t rocket science, but advanced space programmes offer at least one parallel which we can learn from – the staging of objectives and planning accordingly. A franchise development programme can be staged … Continue reading
Posted in Early stage, Entrepreneurship, Funding, Organization, Retail & Consumer Products, Seed capital, Uncategorized
Tagged brand, brand building, brand identity, brands, business, chainstores, Entrepreneurship, franchise, franchising, global, global business, growing brands, growth, independent retailer, International brand, international brands, International fashion brands, lean retailing, marketing, master franchise, modern retail, organic growth, organisation, organised retail, starting a retail business, Store Localization, store operations, store productivity
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Multichannel for Multifold Growth – Panel Discussion at the Delhi Retail Summit 2013
Organised by the Retailers Association of India the Delhi Retail Summit this year (10 May 2013) focussed on multi-fold growth for retailers utilising multiple channels to the consumer, with panel discussions and presentations by industry leaders who shared their experiences … Continue reading
Posted in Early stage, Entrepreneurship, Funding, Internet and Mobile, Organization, Retail & Consumer Products, Uncategorized, Video
Tagged agriculture, covered cultivation, farm, food, Food & Grocery, food and grocery, food processing, greenhouse, horticulture, India, Indian market, logistics, Supply Chain, technology
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