Scale on Sale

Nearly all of us talk about scale, scale and scale for not realising that scale is but a factor of excellence. Master musicians, chefs can NOT be scaled overnight, those ordinary mortals work hard, learning and mastering tricks the hard way. Businesses used to take decades to grow to a level from where they would scale. Walmart did not build 1000’s of stores in a few years but over decades. To clarify: we’re not saying that ‘Scale’ is wrong. However, the question to ask is – do you wish to build your body the old fashioned way or on Steroids?? And a Coach and a Gym with the right equipment is also critical!

If we were to take music as a simile for business – we see bad musicians making us suffer with awful lyrics, lack of melody and yet we seem to celebrate that. Old-fashioned music and musicians are so passé, and looks and “style” matter more over talent when it comes to being the new music diva!!…many new “businesses” similarly have better presentation and articulation skills, but not better substance.

An excerpt from “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance”  sums it up well- “You have to be awfully stylish yourself not to get sick of it once in a while. It’s the style that gets you: technological ugliness syruped over with romantic phoniness in an effort to produce beauty and profit by people who, though stylish, don’t know where to start because no one has ever told them there’s such a thing as Quality in this world and it’s real, not style. Quality isn’t something that you lay on top of subjects and objects like tinsel on a Christmas tree. Real Quality must be the source of the subjects and objects, the cone from which the tree must start”.

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