Tag Archives: barriers to business
“World on the Edge”
This is the cover page headline of the October 4th, 2008 issue of The Economist, showing a man looking down from the breaking edge of a cliff. A few days ago, with some friends the conversation drifted from the state of politics … Continue reading →
If you feel you’re going through hell…
The title of this post is from a Winston Churchill quote that I came across a few days ago. I thought this is a must-have on the desk of every entrepreneur in the current times to look at every day, … Continue reading →
Barriers to Becoming an Entrepreneur
One of the thoughts that I shared with a gathering of students of entrepreneurship at a University near Delhi recently… The Top-3 barriers, in my mind, to becoming an entrepreneur are: 1) Success 2) Security 3) Education With success comes … Continue reading →
Is Entrepreneurship a Gamble?
What does entrepreneurship mean to you? We’re still discovering, and learning – and sometimes teachers are much younger. Such as while playing a game, a child saying – “You can’t play safe all the time – to gain something you … Continue reading →